This is the web site of Ceilidh Productions, a small but influential record company from Norrköping, Sweden. During eleven years, from 1986 to 1997, Ceilidh Productions was visited by local bands like Cod Lovers and Sonic Surf City, Swedish indie-pop pioneers like Happydeadmen and Suredo and, at that time, soon to be international stars Brainpool and The Cardigans.
The purpose of this web site is not to market or promote any of the over forty records released by Ceilidh Productions, they are since long deleted, but to document the releases, artists and history of one of Sweden's finest record lables.
The web site is nurtured by Boy Wonder when he is not occupied by turning water into wine. The latest update was made the 16th of July 2005.
Former Ceilidh Productions artist Sonic Surf City will perform at Augustifestivalen in Norrköping, Sweden on Friday the 12th of August 2005. Besides 15 or so local acts, the festival will be headlined by Silverbullit. The festivities program is available from the Destination Norrköping web site.